Employee SpeakUp enables Employees to report in a
confidential manner, any potentially illegal, unethical,
or improper conduct. Employee SpeakUp offers a website, a secure Fax number and a surface mail
option for filing reports.
Using the "Reportnow" button
Fax: +971 4 4370274
Surface Mail:
Employee SpeakUp
P.O. Box 413394
Dubai United Arab Emirates
Although you may not know for sure if there has been misconduct or unethical behaviour by an Employee, you are encouraged to raise your concerns regarding potential violations of law/Company policies or any unethical behaviour.
To ensure good corporate governance, which the Company passionately supports, Employees should raise any concerns and report potential or suspected violations of the Company's policies or applicable laws and regulations. These may lead to financial, moral or other unfavorable consequences.
You should report any concern you may have regarding
wrong doing, including -
but not limited to - concerns in any
of the following categories:
Accounting, auditing and professional practice issues,
accuracy of the Company’s financial records.
Fraud, bribery or corruption in any of the business
operations related to the organisation
Procurement fraud
Discrimination, harassment, substance abuse, threats and
other work environment issues
Unreasonable gifts, meals and entertainment
Illegal or suspected illegal acts
Marketing and competitive practices
Theft or misuse of the Company’s assets and resources
Theft or misuse of the Company’s intellectual property
If you are uncomfortable reporting through other normal channels
of communication or they have proven ineffective, or are
impractical under the circumstances, you should raise the issue
through Employee SpeakUp by either:
– Using the "
" button
– faxing the details to the secure fax number +971 4 4370274
making use of the surface mail address:
Employee SpeakUp
PO Box 413394, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates
Whether reporting via website, fax or surface mail,
you may choose to provide your contact details or to submit
your report anonymously. In either case, your report will be
handled confidentially.
KPMG, a team of independent experienced professionals run and manage this service, and they are in no way involved or affiliated with the day to day business of the Company. This ensures complete confidentiality to anyone who files a report. Anonymity can be claimed and if not will be assumed. The website, fax or surface mail can be used to report at anytime.
The Management and Board will not
retaliate against anyone who, in good faith, reports a
possible violation of its policies, or who participates in
an investigation, even if sufficient evidence is not found
to substantiate the concern. Management will take
appropriate action against any individual engaging in
retaliatory conduct.
The Employee SpeakUp policy does not enable you to exempt yourself from the consequences of your
own improper conduct by self-reporting. The Management does,
however, encourage self-reporting and, depending on the
specific circumstances, may treat self-reporting as a
mitigating factor when assessing disciplinary measures in
response to improper conduct. If you feel you have been
subject to retaliation because you filed a report you are
urged to contact Employee SpeakUp again to report such instances.
When reporting via Employee SpeakUp,
whether by website, fax or surface mail you have the
option to remain anonymous. The hotline is designed to
protect your confidentiality, and your identity, if
When reporting via Employee SpeakUp,
whether via website, fax or surface mail, you may
choose to identify yourself. The Employee SpeakUp Committee will
assess the report confidentially without knowledge of your
Malicious reporting, or knowingly filing a false report, is a violation of the Employee SpeakUp’s process. Those who violate such business standards, regardless of title or tenure, may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
If you report the incident through the
Employee SpeakUp website, you will be provided with a unique identification
number. Any additions to the report can be made subsequently
by referring to the unique identification number.
In the case of surface mails and fax reports, you may attach a
copy of the original to the subsequent additional report.
KPMG, an independent team of experienced professionals
transmit the report to the Speak Up Committee who
evaluate the report to assess the nature, scope and impact
of the offence reported. Such reports are analyzed and a
decision is taken in regard to the next steps or further
course of action.
Yes. You may report incidents in English and French. Soon, you will be able to report in Arabic and Hindi.